POS Data Export – File Guide
  • 07 Jun 2024
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POS Data Export – File Guide

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Article summary

Through the R365 POS Integration, the following Export Files are obtained from a POS System. The bolded sections below represent each Export File type. You will find additional information, such as the file name, and Column Names / Headers that will be included in the Export File.  

  • Column order can vary from the order listed below

  • Accepted File extensions include:

    • .CSV

    • .TXT

    • .DBF

  • Files can be exported and housed in the following locations:

    • R365 hosted FTP site

    • POS / Customer hosted FTP site

    • POS / Customer centralized server

Please work with the R365 Representative that provided you with this document. When file preparation has been completed, please inform the R365 Representative where the file will be located (R365 FTP, POS/Cust FTP, or POS/Cust Centralized Server).

* Indicates field is optional and not required


  • File Name (Sales_locationid_MMDDYYYY)

  • Column Names:

    • Receipt Number (Check ID)

    • Date (Date and Time of when check closed in local time)

    • Service Type (also known as Order Mode. Dine In, Take Out, Delivery, ect.)

    • Server (Employee ID of server who took order)

    • Tax Amount (Total amount of tax on ticket)

    • Tip Amount (Total amount of tip on ticket)

    • Number of Guests (Number of Guests served on check)

Sales Payments

  • File Name (SalesPayments_locationid_MMDDYYYY)

  • This file will include any Discounts / Promos / Comps / etc. as well as any Tender Types

  • Column Names:

    • Receipt Number (Check ID)

    • Date (Date and time of when check was paid)

    • Payment Type (Tender, Discount, Promo, or Comp Name)

    • Amount (Amount Tendered)

    • Credit Card Fee (Dollar amount of Fee charged for processing credit card) *

Sales Details

  • File Name (SalesDetails_locationid_MMDDYYYY)

  • Column Names:

    • Receipt Number (Check ID)

    • Menu Item (name of item sold)

    • Quantity (number of that item sold on a ticket)

    • Amount (Amount of that item)

    • Category (the category or the group of the item)

    • Void (If Item was voided)


  • File Name (Drawer_locationid_MMDDYYY

  • Column Names:

    • Type (Type of the Drawer Event that took place: i.e., 'Deposit Entered', 'Paid Out', 'Paid In' etc.)

    • Amount (Dollar amount of Drawer Event that was processed)

    • Description (Brief Description describing the Type: i.e., 'Deposit 1', 'Office Supplies') *


  • File Name: Employees

  • Column Names:

    • First Name

    • Middle Name *

    • Last Name

    • Address 1 *

    • Address 2 *

    • City *

    • Zip State *

    • Phone Number *

    • POSID


  • File Name: EmployeeJobs

  • Column Names:

    • Employee (EmployeeID)

    • Pay Rate (Current Pay Amount)

    • Job Title (ID)


  • File Name: Jobs

  • Column Names:

    • Job Title (Name of position)

    • Job Code(ID)

    • Pay Rate (Standard Pay rate for position) *

Time Card

  • File Name (TimeCard_locationid_MMDDYYYY)

  • This Export File will include that last 10 days of labor, and any adjustments made to time punches in the POS

  • Column Names:

    • Employee (ID that matches Employee file)

    • Job Title (ID that matches job title file)

    • Pay Rate (Rate of pay for employee for time punch)

    • Date Worked (Date of when employee worked)

    • Start Time (Time Employee clocked in)

    • End time (Time Employee Clocked out)

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