PO to Invoice Reconciliation Report
  • 07 Jul 2024
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PO to Invoice Reconciliation Report

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Article summary

The PO to Invoice Reconciliation Report shows all the purchased orders and invoices and the items that were received. This report also notes the POS that hasn't been received yet as well as the cost variance for each item listed. Viewing this can help a Manager determine what the impact those cost changes will have on his/her business.


To navigate to the PO to Invoice Reconciliation Report, click 'My Reports' under 'Reports' in the left pane and then select 'Purch. & Inv.' in the top header of the reporting window. Once opened, a listing of reports will be shown. 

Find 'PO to Invoice Reconciliation Report' and select 'Customize' next to the report. This will open up a listing of all Report Parameters that can be used to define your report.

Report Parameters

  1. Filter By - A listing of all the Location categories

  2. Filter - A listing of all the Locations in a selected category

  3. Vendor - A listing of all Vendors associated with the selected Locations

  4. Item -  A listing of all items associated with the selected Vendors

  5. Start Date - The beginning date for the report 

  6. End Date - The end date for the report 

  7. Item Categories - These categories can help filter through types of items

  8. Run Button - Runs the report. Users can also send, export, or print the report directly from this button by clicking the down arrow portion and selecting the desired action. Click here to learn more about this functionality 

Click here to learn more about Report Views and their added functionality.

Report Column

  1. Invoice Number - The invoice number of the Reconciliation Report

  2. Item - The purchased items on the report

  3. Qty Ordered - The amount of the item ordered

  4. Qty Received - The amount of the item received

  5. Qty Variance -The difference between the Quantity Ordered and the Quantity Received

  6. U of M Ordered - The ordered item's Unit of Measure

  7. U of M Received - The received item's Unit of Measure

  8. Price Ordered - The cost of the quantity ordered

  9. Price Received - The cost of the quantity received

  10. Price Variance - The difference between the Price Ordered and the Price Received

Email, Export, or Print the Report

This report can be emailed, exported, or printed in custom formatting directly from the reporting window. Click here to learn how to send, export, or print this report.

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