Par Brink FAQ
  • 03 Dec 2024
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Par Brink FAQ

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Article summary

This article provides responses to frequently asked questions regarding the Brink POS integration.

General Questions About the Integration

How is the integration set up and initiated?

Contact R365 Support to set up the initial connection. Once the connection is established, follow these instructions for managing the connection.

What are the criteria for being a Connection Admin?

The Connection Admin drop-down only displays users who have access to all locations in R365 and administrative permissions to the 3rd party application (Brink).

How can I perform a manual sync?

For instructions on manually syncing, see Connect or sync a PAR Brink integration.

What does “Auto-” mean and how do I make it go away?

The “Auto-” label in front of a linked item indicates that the link was automatically identified by the software. The software recognizes similar or identical names between the systems and suggests the best match. R365 recommends reviewing all automatically linked items for accuracy before saving.

Selecting the Save button accepts selections for automatically mapped rows, and the “Auto-” marker is removed from all automatically mapped rows. To prevent an automatically mapped row from being saved, clear the selection from the drop-down or select the correct option from the drop-down before saving.

Questions About Locations

Why can’t I edit location mappings?

Locations are mapped upon setup and cannot be edited. 

Locations are mapped by the POS Support team during the POS Integration setup process. Brink delivers the corresponding API keys to the POS Support team who then prepare the integration for use. Once the integration is properly configured, the Locations tab displays location mappings for your reference.

The integration does not need to be active to maintain location mapping.

Questions About Jobs

Why can’t R365 create a job in Brink?

At this time, Brink does not support the creation of jobs through integrated systems. Jobs must be setup in Brink first so that they can be mapped to jobs in R365. If the job is not available in Brink, log into the Brink Admin Portal, create the job there, and then reload the R365 integration page to link the job.

Can I saved mapped employees without mapping jobs?

R365 recommends mapping jobs before mapping employees. If you save mapped employees prior to mapping jobs, then the employees are saved in Brink without job data. 

I’m seeing jobs from Brink come into R365 that I didn’t map. Why is that?

R365 pulls in all jobs from Brink when polling daily sales data. This ensures that there are no issues or delays in pulling in labor and payroll data.

This means that, if an employee clocks in to a job that isn’t mapped, the next time a sync occurs, a new job is created in R365 so that labor and payroll data can be distributed properly. 

R365 recommends mapping all jobs from Brink to jobs in R365 to ensure that no additional jobs get created through the daily sales polling process.

Questions about employees

Why can't I delete an employee?

Once an employee record is linked to an employee record in the POS, the record cannot be deleted in R365. This restriction prevents conflicts between the POS and R365 and helps maintain integrity of employee data.

What happens if I deactivate an employee in R365?

If an employee is deactivated in R365, when the integration sends an update to the POS, then all linked employee records are deactivated in the POS.

What happens if I activate an employee in R365?

If an employee is activated in R365, when the integration sends an update to the POS, then all linked employee records are activated in the POS.

What could prevent an employee from being created automatically by the automated sync?

If the employee does not have a payroll ID or job assigned, the integration does not automatically create a record in the POS.

The employee can be pushed to the POS manually by choosing Create Employee from the Link Employee drop-down and then saving changes. However, the Brink employee record will NOT have a payroll ID, nor will they be able to clock in to the POS without a job assigned. R365 recommends always completing the Payroll ID and Job fields on the Employee Record.

What happens if an employee exists in the POS but not in R365?

When R365 pulls an update from the POS, any employees who do not already exist in R365 are created.

Can I save mapped employees without mapping jobs?

R365 recommends mapping jobs before mapping employees. If you save mapped employees prior to mapping jobs, then the employees are saved in Brink without job data. 

Why is an employee unable to clock into the POS after syncing data from R365?

Most likely, the employee was deactivated in R365, or their jobs for a given location were removed.

Check the Employee Record to verify that the employee is active and has jobs assigned for the location in question. Correct any data issues and then sync the data again.

A manager can address any data issues directly in the POS, however, any data sync from R365 will undo what the manager changed, so correcting the data in R365 is crucial.

What happens if a sync changes an employee’s data while they are clocked in?

Brink is set up so that no changes are applied to an employee record while they are clocked in. Data changes to that employee will occur only after they clock out.

Why can't an employee clock in?

Check for a duplicate employee record. Duplicate records might be preventing the employee from being able to clock in to their job. If there are no duplicates, check that overrides are not enabled in Brink.

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