AP Transactions can be memorized as transaction templates that can be used again in the future. In addition to creating a transaction template, Memorized Transactions can be scheduled and automatically created.
Memorized Transactions will not carry over the toggled on 'Mark as Paid' setting or Credit Expected amount from the initial template.
Memorize an AP Transaction

To begin, create an AP Transaction that will be memorized and saved as a template. Enter all the details in to the AP Transaction. Certain values, such as the invoice number, will vary with each use. When a Memorized Transaction template is used, it will be created with a status of unapproved. The necessary updates can be made before the transaction is approved.
Once a transaction has been memorized, a real unapproved transaction with the containing data will also be created. If the Memorized Transaction is solely for future use as a Template, ensure to delete the unapproved transaction that was just created.
As a best practice, enter a value such as 'FoodVendor_Template' as the invoice number to offer a reminder that the invoice number needs to be updated with each use.

Once the transaction is complete, hover over 'Action' and select ‘Memorize’. This action will save the current AP Transaction and open the Memorize prompt.
When the Credit Expected field is greater than $0, the 'Memorize function in the 'Action' menu will be disabled. As a reminder, a Credit Expected amount will not carry over from a memorized template.

Memorized Template Name - The display name for the template
Select Auto-Recurrence Period - Specify if this is a Scheduled Memorized Transaction where the system will automatically create this transaction based on the schedule selected. A transaction that has a set recurrence will create an approved transaction when the recurrence period arrives. Even if the transaction is saved/memorized in an unapproved state, the recurrence-generate transaction will be generated in an approved state.
None- The template will not recur automatically and will only be used manually
Monthly Last Day - The template will recur automatically creating a duplicate transaction on the last day of every calendar month
Monthly Same Day - The template will recur automatically creating a duplicate transaction on the same day of the calendar month as the date on the original transaction. For example, if the date on the original transaction was October 15th, then future recurrence of the transaction will occur on the 15th of each month. If the date was October 31 and the following month doesn't have that same day (November only has 30 days) then it will be created on the last day of that month (November 30)
Period Last Day - The template will recur automatically creating a duplicate transaction on the last day of every fiscal period according to your fiscal calendar
Weekly– The template will recur automatically creating a duplicate transaction on the same day of each week
Every 2 Weeks – The template will recur automatically creating a duplicate transaction on the same week day every 2 weeks (skips every other week)
If duplicate AP invoice numbers are NOT allowed for your organization, recurring memorized transactions are created as unapproved transactions.
Click 'Memorize' to save the Memorized Transaction. A system alert will notify the user that the template was created successfully.
If the initial Template had the 'Mark as Paid' setting toggled on, copies of this Memorized Template will not have this setting toggled on. They must be manually changed before approving
Use a Memorized Transaction
Memorized Transactions can be used via any of the following methods:
AP Invoice: Action Menu

Create a new AP Invoice and immediately hover over the Action Menu and select 'Copy Memorized Template'.
The Template list will appear where you can select the Template and automatically fill in the remaining contents of the AP Invoice.
AP Invoice: Assigned Vendor Templates
Create a new AP Invoice and begin by selecting the Vendor. Once selected, if there is a Memorized Template for that Vendor, the user will be presented with the available options:
When only one Memorized Template exists for the Vendor, a prompt will be automatically displayed, asking the User if they want to use the Memorized Template:
When multiple Memorized Templates exist for the Vendor, a Document Icon will appear next to the Vendor Selector. Users can click on this icon to view the available Memorized Templates for the Vendor and select a template for use.
Memorized Transactions List

To use a Memorized Transaction, navigate to the ‘Memorized Transactions’ list in the 'Transaction' section of the Accounting Module. The Memorized Transactions list will contain all memorized templates that have been created. Find the desired template and double click the template to open the transaction in a new tab.

Once the template has loaded, hover over the 'Action' menu and select ‘Use’.

Once the form loads, make any necessary changes, including updating the Invoice Number, Invoice Date, and Document Amount. 'Save' or 'Approve' the transaction to complete the process.