Inventory Counts: Print Count Review Report
  • 19 Jun 2024
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Inventory Counts: Print Count Review Report

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Article summary

This report is a part of the Smart Ops Release.

The Print Count Review Report is a printable PDF summary of an approved Inventory Count. This report allows the User to view the following summary information:

  • Location Name

  • Inventory Count by Inventory Item

  • Current Values by Inventory Item and Storage Location

  • Previous Values by Inventory Item and Storage Location

  • Adjustments by Inventory Item, Storage Location, Inventory Account, and Cost Account


To navigate to the Print Count Review Report: 

  1. Select an Approved Inventory Count

  2. Click on the menu icon  next to the 'Unapprove' button

  3. Select 'Print'

  4. Select 'Print Count Review'

Totals by Inventory Account

  1. Account Name - Inventory GL Account that the 'Adjustment' will be applied to

  2. Current Value - Current cost total for all Inventory Items listed in the 'Details and Total by Storage Location' section that are associated with the Inventory Account

  3. Previous Value - Previous cost total for all Inventory Items associated with the Inventory Account from the last count with the same Inventory Template

  4. Adjustment - Difference between the 'Previous Value' and 'Current Value'

Total by Cost Account

  1. Account Name - Cost GL Account that the 'Adjustment' will be applied to

  2. Current Value - Current cost total for all Inventory Items listed in the 'Details and Total by Storage Location' section that are associated with the Cost Account

  3. Previous Value - Previous cost total for all Inventory Items associated with the Cost Account from the last count with the same Inventory Template

  4. Adjustment - Difference between the 'Previous Value' and 'Current Value' 

Details and Total by Storage Location


  1. Storage Location - Name of the Storage Location

  2. Inventory Item - Name of the Inventory Item

  3. Count Unit - Unit of Measure

  4. Qty - Count of the Inventory Item in the Storage Location

  5. Each Amount - Item Cost at time of Inventory Count

  6. Current Value - 'Qty' x 'Each Amt'

  7. Previous Value - 'Current Value' from last inventory count with the same Inventory Template

  8. Adjustment - Difference between the 'Previous Value' and 'Current Value'. This is the amount posted as Inventory Adjustments to the Inventory Account and the Cost Account associated with the Inventory Item.

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