Getting Started FAQ
  • 21 Aug 2024
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Getting Started FAQ

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Article summary

System Issues

How do I find out if there is a system issue?

Issues within R365 can be the result of improper system setup, and a simple adjustment to a user or item record can see everything working smoothly again. However, it is certainly possible that it can be the result of a temporary performance issue that we will need to investigate and resolve on our end.

When experiencing any type of issue, we would always recommend first verifying as much as possible that everything is setup properly. But for any additional questions or assistance please don’t ever hesitate to reach out to R365 Support. Our Agents will be happy to assist.


How should I inquire about R365 billing?

Have a question about billing for R365 products and services that you've purchased? Just write to billing[at]restaurant365[dot]com with details and allow a few business days for us to investigate and reply.

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