Create a Daily Ops Checklist
  • 12 Sep 2024
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Create a Daily Ops Checklist

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Article summary

We have several types of checklist we can create. There are daily, periodic, and audits. All of these use the same builder with like differences depending on the type of checklist. We're going to look at daily operations. A checklist is comprised of a title, description, due time, and an audience From here, the meat and potatoes of a checklist are built out of sections and items.

And an item is comprised of a title, description, and field type. Field types include check boxes, yes, no, short and long text, temperature, and information. Which allows for library content to be added to the checklist. There are some additional options for each item as well, required determines if an item must be completed before the checklist submission, and this is on by default for all items.

Photos, which are uploaded by the user completing the checklist. Notes, are also added by the user completing the checklist and nonapplicable, which adds this as an option when completing the item. You can click save and exit at any time to save your progress but keep the checklist unpublished. And finally, when your checklist is complete and ready to be assigned, be sure to click save and publish.

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