Delete Learning Track Assignments
  • 12 Sep 2024
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Delete Learning Track Assignments

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Article summary

Company Admins can unassign/remove Learning Tracks from specific users in three different places:

1. On the Team Detail page,  Click on the X alongside the Learning Track listing to delete the entire LT from that user. This will remove every course within the Learning Track from that user's assignments.

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2. From this same view, Company Admins can also delete individual courses within a Learning Track. Click the down caret to open the list of courses, then click on the Title of the course you want to remove. 

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On the Course Detail page, click on the red button [ x Delete ] and confirm by selecting Yes from the popup.

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These same steps can also be used to delete any unnecessary Instant Assignments, just open up the listing titled "Broadcasts" and then click on Instant Assignment titles and Delete them.

3. If you have multiple users to remove from the same Learning Track, open up the Learning Track report: Select Learning Tracks from the left hand menu, mouse point at the Learning Track title and select Report by clicking on it once it appears:

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If you're looking to delete users who haven't completed the Learning Track, stay on the Team Members tab and click the "Next >>" button at the bottom right corner of the report until you reach the end of the report, where those with 0% Overall Progress are listed. Click on the red [ trashcan icon Delete ] button to the right of each assignment you want to remove.

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Archived users are no longer included in reporting or reminders, so there is no need to manually remove uncompleted assignments from team members that have a status of Archived. 

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