Default Statistical Accounts
  • 12 Jun 2024
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Default Statistical Accounts

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Article summary

While purely non-financial, two default Statistical Accounts are created daily in R365 to track Guest Count and Transaction Count through DSS Journal Entries. 

These accounts provide additional Operations-based data that can be budgeted and utilized in Custom Financial Reports for advanced reporting needs. Click here to learn more information on Statistical Accounts as well as how to import Statistical Account data

While default Statistical Accounts are used to track Guest Count and Transaction Count, certain details about these accounts can be updated to reflect naming and numbering conventions used by your Organization.

Default Guest Count Statistical Account

This account is labeled as 'Guest Count (default)' and includes an account number of '99999-01'. For more details about this screen, view the Statistical Account training article.

Default Transaction Count Statistical Account

This account is labeled as 'Transaction Count (default)' and includes an account number of '99999-02'. For more details about this screen, view the Statistical Account training article.

Editing a Default Statistical Account

Default Statistical Accounts can be updated based on your Organization's needs. Fields outside of the below editable fields will be read-only:

  • 'General' Tab

    • Account Name

    • Account Number

  • 'Budget Defaults' Tab

    • All fields

Ensure to save any changes made to each account.

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