Daily Ops Reporting
  • 11 Sep 2024
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Daily Ops Reporting

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Article summary

Checklists reporting can be found here in the location tab.

At the top of the screen is the name of the location you're viewing. In the case you manage multiple locations, you can click this heading and select which location you would like to view the location dashboard of.

Now to find operation reporting, click down here on daily ops. This will start by giving you a look at today's reporting. From here, we can dive deeper into ops reporting by clicking on this drop down and selecting last seven days.

This will give you a report of the completion rate of each checklist over the last seven days, not including today.

Clicking into a specific checklist will bring you to the reporting for that checklist only. From here, you can view the submissions by clicking on them. By default, you have a list of all submissions, but you can narrow this down by creating a date range up here. Any submission shown in green have been submitted, and you can see by who and when. Any submission shown in blue have not been submitted.

If a checklist had been partially completed, We do keep this data, but partially completed checklist since they were never submitted do not contribute towards the overall checklist completion data.

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