Course Builder
  • 12 Sep 2024
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Course Builder

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Article summary

Up here is where the course information like the title and duration belongs. We can also preview what we have built so far and we can save from up here as well. Below this, we see the majority of the builder. For starters, these are sections and these are modules. Modules make up the sections.

You can make a course as large or as small as you'd like using the modules here to add content and using sections to help organize your information.

One example is you may place your training in this section, then place your quiz or exam in another. You can give your sections a name, a name each module. All to help you better understand what belongs where, and these names will also be seen in the table of contents when taking the course. You can see we have many different icons on each of these modules, these describe what type of module they are.

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