Complete a Task (ExpandShare)
  • 11 Sep 2024
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Complete a Task (ExpandShare)

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Article summary

Tasks can be completed on the Checklist page. The My Tasks section of the Checklist page provides an overview of all tasks assigned to you.

There are two ways to mark a task as completed:

  • Select the checkbox on the right side of the task row.


  • Select the arrow to the right of the checkbox to open the Task Details page and then select Mark as Complete.

A task can be assigned to multiple employees at one time. When any employee to whom the task is assigned marks it as completed, the task is removed from your task list as well.

The Task Details page displays the following information:

  • Label - The name of the task.

  • Description - A short summary of the task and any additional information that the creator included.

  • Assigned Users - A list of employees to whom the task is assigned.

  • Due - Date by which the task must be completed.

  • Completed - Indicates whether the task has been completed.

  • Created By - Name of the person who created the task in the system.

  • Mark as Complete - Selecting this button marks the task as completed.

Video Transcription

Tasks can be completed in the checklist tab. At the top of the screen, above Operations checklists, you will see this section titled My Tasks.

This gives you an overview of all tasks assigned to you. To complete a task, you can click the checkbox to the right of the title, but you can also click the arrow to the right of the checkbox for more information.

This information page will show you any additional provided descriptions, everyone it is assigned to, when it is due, and who assigned it.

Keep in mind that if it is also assigned to others, they can complete the task and it will be removed from your task as well.

When you have completed your task, we can then click "mark as complete".

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