Complete a Self Check
  • 11 Sep 2024
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Complete a Self Check

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Article summary

Self Checks are items assigned to a user and are completed by that user. These may also be completed by a manager. These differ from Trainer Checks which are only completed by a manager. To complete a Self Check, start by clicking on the Profile tab.

Self Checks can be found in their corresponding Learning Track. 

A screenshot of a web page  Description automatically generated

In this example, ours is under the Team Orientation learning track. Clicking on the Learning Track will show all items within it. You can see under the item titled "Team Orientation Self Verification" it is labeled as a Self Check. Click this item to open your Self Check.

Now you can fill out the Self Checks items as they are completed. A Self Check must be fully filled out before it can be submitted. The progress will save so you may come back to complete more items within it at any time.

Self Checks do not need to be confirmed by a manager, once a Self Check has been submitted the item in your training is marked as complete.

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