Workforce Payroll Preview Report
  • 05 Jul 2024
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Workforce Payroll Preview Report

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Article summary

This article reviews the Workforce Payroll Preview Report, which is located on the Workforce tab of 'My Reports'.

The Workforce Payroll Preview Report displays payroll information based on DSS data for a selected date range. Here, punches, regular pay, overtime pay, penalty pay, and tips can be reviewed. This report includes built-in filters for Job, Job Type, and Pay Frequency.

The 'Pay Frequency' filter is only displayed when Pay365 is enabled. 


 To navigate to the Workforce Payroll Report, click 'My Reports' under 'Reports' in the left navigation menu, then select 'Labor' in the top header. 

 Find 'Workforce Preview', then select 'Customize' next to the report. This will open a list of all Report Parameters that can be used to define the report.

Report Parameters

  1. Filter By - A list of all filter categories

  2. Filter - A list of filter options, based on the 'Filter By' category selected (#1)

  3. Start Date - The beginning date for the report 

  4. End Date - The end date for the report 

  5. Job - List of Jobs available for the selected Filter (#2). Select one or more Jobs to filter by Job 

  6. Job Type - List of Labor Operational Report Categories associated with the GL Accounts assigned to Jobs. Select one or more Job Types to filter by Job Type.

  7. Pay Frequency - If Pay365 is enabled, this report can be filtered by the Pay Frequency election of each Employee

    • Pay - When selected, only Employees who have elected to be paid daily will be included in the report

    • Traditional Pay - When selected, only Employees who have elected to be paid per traditional pay period will be included in the report

    • All Employees - When selected, all Employees will be included, regardless of Pay Frequency election. 

  8. Sales Column - Determines which columns are displayed for sales data:

    • Summary - Gross Sales

    • Detailed - Net Sales, Gross Sales, CC Sales, Cash Sales

  1. Run Button - Runs the report. Users can also send, export, or print the report directly from this button by clicking the down arrow portion, then selecting the desired action. Learn more about this functionality here.

Learn more about Report Views and their added functionality here.

Report Columns

  1. Date - Dates of Labor Punches within the date range

  2. Employee - Employee's name

  3. Payroll ID - Employee's Payroll ID

  4. In - Time the Employee clocked in 

  5. Out - Time the Employee clocked out

  6. Location - Location tied to the Employee's Punches

  7. Loc Number - Location number

  8. Job - Employee's Job title

  9. Job Code - Job Code associated with the Job

  10. Reg Hrs - Amount of regular hours the Employee worked on that day

    Hours are reported as a decimal (4h 15m = 4.25)

  11. OT Hrs - Amount of overtime hours the Employee worked on that day

    Hours are reported as a decimal (4h 15m = 4.25)

  12. Tot Hrs - Total hours the Employee worked

    Hours are reported as a decimal (4h 15m = 4.25)

  13. Payrate - Employee's rate of pay for the Job

  14. Reg Pay - Amount of regular pay

  15. OT Pay - Amount of overtime pay

  16. Penalty Pay - Amount of pay associated with Break Penalties, Split Shift Penalties, and/or Clopening Penalties.

  17. Total Pay - Total pay amount from hours worked, including regular pay and overtime pay

  18. Gross Sales - Amount of Gross Sales made from guest checks

  19. Tips - Amount of credit card tips for the Employee

  20. Declared Tips - Total amount of credit card and cash tips declared by the Employee

  21. Total Pay w/ Tips - Total pay amount, including regular pay, overtime pay, and declared tips

  22. Min Wage Req - Minimum pay amount an Employee must receive if paid minimum wage

  23. Min Wage Adj - The amount of pay needed to meet minimum wage requirements if 'Total Pay w/ Tips' is less than 'Min Wage Req'

Email, Export, or Print the Report

This report can be emailed, exported, or printed directly from the reporting window. Learn how to send, export, or print this report here.

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