Employees with Multiple User Records
  • 22 Jul 2024
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Employees with Multiple User Records

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Article summary

It is possible for a single User to have multiple User Records if one was manually created and another was automatically created when Employee App Access was granted on their Employee Record. These User Records can be consolidated to ensure that the User has all of the accesses that they need.

Consolidate User Records

Navigate to the Users page and filter for the user's name. All User Records that contain the search term entered will appear.

Scroll horizontally to view the 'Employee Link' column. Identify which User Record is not linked to the User's Employee Record

A screenshot of a chat  Description automatically generated

Deactivate the User Record that does not have an Employee Link by clicking the 'Active' toggle switch.

A screenshot of a chat  Description automatically generated

Add the desired User Roles and Report Roles to the User Record linked to the User's Employee Record.

A screenshot of a chat  Description automatically generated

Ensure that the User's correct email address is listed on this User Record. Notify the User of the change, as they will be able to access all necessary parts of the system through this one login.

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