Job Boards
  • 02 Jul 2024
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Job Boards

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Article summary

R365 Hire posts Jobs to multiple Sources so that your Job posting can gain the desired attention. However, enhancing accessibility on these Job boards or adding additional Sources beyond those listed may be necessary.

Job Boards

When creating a Job through R365 Hire, they will be posted to the following Sources, if selected in the final step of the Job posting:

  • Indeed

  • CareerJet

  • LinkedInJobFeed

  • JobCase

  • JobRapido

  • Classdoor

  • ZipRecruiter

  • WayUp

  • Google Jobs

  • Your Careers Page

Canadian Jobs

Jobs posted in Canada are posted to the same Job boards listed above, besides the smaller partners. Canadian traffic accounts for 6.9% of all traffic on Indeed compared with the U.S.'s 54%. 

View a Job's Sources

A Job's Sources can easily be viewed by clicking into the Job's Profile from the Jobs listing and scrolling down to the 'Applicant Sources' section. This section includes two types of Sources: Automatic and Manual. Automatic Sources are the Sources that R365 Hire will share Job postings to automatically when they are created while Manual Sources are the Sources manually added by the User(s) via System Settings.

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