Inventory Master Template
  • 19 Jun 2024
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Inventory Master Template

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Article summary

Disclaimer: This template is mainly used internally by R365 Ops Coaches to import a large amount of items into an instance. You may use this if you have completed implementation and are familiar with importing information into R365.

The R365 Inventory Master Template is a five-part template that should be completed in this order: 

  1.  Copy all Vendor Items information into the grayed out Columns (E-F)

  2.  Categorize your items in Columns A-C

  3.  Name your items what your team calls it in Column D

  4.  Align your UofMs in Columns J-L

  5.  Assign your Cost and Inventory Accounts on each item in Columns M and N

After completing these steps, you can break this file into three different imports:

  • Purchased Items (Inventory)

  • Unit of Measure

  • Vendor Items

It is important to note that Item Categories and Units of Measure must be created first before completing and importing this Inventory Master Template; otherwise, the import will fail. Work with your Operations Coach as you complete this template. 



Release Date

File Link

Inventory Master Template V6




Click here to view the original version of this article, last updated on 10/8/2018.

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