Restrict Access on GL Accounts
  • 12 Jun 2024
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Restrict Access on GL Accounts

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Article summary

This article reviews the 'Restricted Access - Usage' and 'Restricted Access - Hide Transactions' settings for GL Account Records.


The 'Restricted Access' settings for GL Accounts are used to restrict a User's access to specific GL Accounts. Once restricted, that GL Account will only be available to Users who have the following Permission:

  • General Ledger → GL Accounts → Access Restricted GL Accounts

There are two 'Restricted Access' settings on GL Account Records

  • Restricted Access - Usage - This setting restricts which GL Accounts appear in GL Account selection drop-down menus.

  • Restricted Access - Hide Transactions- This setting restricts which Transactions will be viewable by the User. 

    This setting requires that 'Restricted Access - Usage' is checked 

Restricted Access - Usage

Throughout R365, GL Account selection drop-down menus will list all GL Accounts for the associated GL Type. This allows Users to complete AP Invoices, Item Transfers, Waste Logs, and DSS Reviews.

If a GL Account should not be available to all Users, it can be restricted by checking the 'Restricted Access - Usage' setting on the associated GL Account Record. 

For GL Accounts that do not have 'Restricted Access - Usage' enabled, the Account Name / Number will be made available in all GL Account selection menus for all Users.

To ensure that operations Users are able to complete Inventory Counts and AP Invoices, Cost Accounts (including COGS) and Expense Accounts should not have 'Restricted Access - Usage' checked.

Restricted Access - Hide Transactions

Throughout R365, GL Accounts appear on Transactions such as AP Invoices, Inventory Counts, Transfers, Waste Logs, etc.

If the activity related to a GL Account should not be available for all Users, Transactions related to that GL Account can be hidden by checking the 'Restricted Access - Hide Transactions' setting on the associated GL Account Record. 

This setting requires that 'Restrict Access - Usage' is checked. 

When 'Restricted Access - Hide Transactions' is enabled, all Transactions that contain a single line with a restricted GL Account will be hidden from Users without the 'Access Restricted GL Accounts' Permission.

Restricted Access and Bank Reconciliation

Since Bank Reconciliations require access to all Transactions in order to balance properly, Transactions associated with restricted GL Accounts are not hidden on the Bank Reconciliation page. Only Users with the 'Access Restricted GL Accounts' Permission will be able to open the details for any transaction that contains a restricted account. 

'Restricted Access - Usage' Example

The GL Account list in the Accounting Module indicates if the GL Account 'Is Restricted Use'. In this example, the 'Restricted Access - Usage' checkbox for Account #5100 has not been checked (value of 'No') and the 'Restricted Access - Usage' checkbox for Account #5000 has been checked (value of 'Yes').

When a User editing an AP Invoice attempts to select the GL Account that will be used on the Transaction line item, Account #5000 is not visible, while Account #5100 is visible and selectable in the 'Select Account' drop-down menu. 

Pages and Records Impacted by the 'Restricted Access - Usage' Setting


Page / Record

Restricted Access - Usage

Restricted GL Account hidden in Account selector drop-downs

Accounts Payable

AP Invoice

Mass AP Invoice

AP Credit Memo

AP Payments

AP Center

New Invoice

Accounts Receivable

AR Transactions


Bank Expense Record

Bank Deposit Record

Bank Transfer Record

General Ledger

Journal Entry Record

Memorized Transactions


AP Invoice

AP Credit Memo

Item Transfer

Waste Log

Setup Assistant

All Pages

Pages and Records Impacted by the'Restricted Access - Hide Transactions' Setting



Restricted Access - Hide Transactions

Transactions with at least one line associated with a restricted GL Account are hidden


All Transactions

Transaction Details

Memorized Transactions

Accounts Payable

AP Payment Record

All Transactions are displayed

Vendor Records

AP Transactions Page

AP Center

Awaiting Approval Tab

Ready for Payment Tab

Mobile AP


AP Payments

All AP Payments are displayed.

Invoices and Credit Memos associated with restricted GL Accounts within AP Payments are hidden


Accounts Receivable

AR Transactions Page

Customer Record


Bank Transactions

Bank Reconciliation

All Transactions are displayed.

Only Users with the 'Access Restricted GL Accounts' Permission will be able to open the details for any transaction that contains a restricted account.

Bank Activity

Restricted GL Accounts cannot be selected in the Bank Account drop-down

Bank Activity - Unmatched Tab

Bank Activity - Match Excluded Tab

All Transactions are displayed. However, Users without the 'Access Restricted GL Accounts' Permission will be unable open Transaction Records that contain restricted GL Accounts. 

Bank Activity - Rule Applied Tab

All Transactions are displayed

Bank Activity - Rule Vault

All GL Accounts are displayed

General Ledger

GL Accounts Page

Restricted GL Accounts are hidden

Journal Entries Page

DSS Journal Entries Page


Inventory Transactions (Classic)

Inventory Counts

Items Page

Invoices Page

Transfers Page

Waste Logs Page

Commissary Catalog Page

My Reports

Account Balance by Location Export

Account Balance by Location

AP Accrual

Bank to GL Reconciliation

Check Register

GL Account Detail Export

GL Account Detail with Legal Entity - Portrait

GL Account with Legal Entity Export

GL Account with Legal Entity 

GL Account Detail

Payables Invoice Distribution

Receiving by Purchased Item

Undeposited Funds

Vendor Reconciliation Detail

Working Trial Balance


Allocation Templates

Preset Allocations

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