Edit an Approved Transaction
  • 29 Jul 2024
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Edit an Approved Transaction

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Article summary

Transactions can easily be edited when they are Approved as long as the User has either the Full Access User Role or one of the associated 'Approve' Permission assigned to them.

Although the steps below follow how to edit an AP Invoice, they can also be applied to the AP Credit Memo, AR Transactions, Journal Entries, and Inventory Counts. A Daily Sales Summary will have to be edited by first unapproving it, making the necessary changes, and then saving or approving the Daily Sales Summary.  

Open the desired AP Invoice by double-clicking its transaction record. 

A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated

Above the 'Details' grid, click the 'Edit' button. This will allow you to update any necessary details about the transaction.

A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated

When finished, click 'Edit Complete' and the changes will be saved.

If you do not see the 'Edit' button, it is due to your Permissions. Contact your System Administrator to provide you access to this function.

If you cannot edit, it is due to this transaction being paid already or having an AP Credit Memo applied to it.

Once all necessary edits are made, hover over the 'Approve' menu and click 'Approve and Close'. Your updates are now saved on the transaction!

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