ComData Export
  • 05 Jul 2024
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ComData Export

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Article summary

The ComData report will run R365's data to produce a listing of all open, unpaid invoices for Customer's who are signed up for ComData. This export is only beneficial for Users who are signed up for ComData so that ComData can view and pay the User's invoices for them. 


To navigate to ComData Export, click 'My Reports' under 'Reports' in the left pane and then select 'Vendors' in the top header of the reporting window. Once opened, a listing of reports will be shown. 

Find 'ComData Export' and select 'Customize' next to the report. This will open up a listing of all Report Parameters that can be set to pinpoint the exact date range a User needs for this export.

Report Parameters

  1. Start Date - The beginning date for the report

  2. End Date - The end date for the report

  3. Download Button - Downloads the report

Click here to learn more about Report Views and their added functionality.

Report Details

  1. Vendor ID - The ID number associated with the Vendor

  2. Supplier Name - The name of the Vendor

  3. Supplier Email - The email address associated with the Vendor POC

  4. Invoice Number - The invoice number associated with the transaction

  5. Invoice Date - The date the invoice was entered

  6. Due Date - The date the invoice was due

  7. Payment Date - The day this file was downloaded

  8. Gross Amount - The total amount due

  9. Net Amount - The amount remaining after certain adjustments/discounts have been made

  10. Discount Amount - The amount discounted from the total

  11. Location Code - The number associated with the User's Location

  12. Supplier Address 1 - The first line of the Vendor's Address 

  13. Supplier Address 2 - The second line of the Vendor's Address

  14. Supplier City - The city the Vendor is located in

  15. Supplier State - The state the Vendor is located in

  16. Supplier Zip Code - The zip code of the Vendor

  17. Supplier Phone Number - The Vendor's phone number

  18. Invoice Comments - Any comments noted on the invoice

  19. Supplier Tax Number - The Vendor's Tax ID Number

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