Catering Categories

Catering Categories allow Users to group different Catering Items on their Catering Contracts via the Catering Settings. Catering Categories are created from within the Catering Item record.

A screenshot of a catering menu  Description automatically generated

To subtotal by Catering Categories, you must select 'Catering Category' in the Contract Subtotal By field on the 'Contract' tab of Catering Settings.

A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated

To create a Catering Category, type the name of the Category in this field, and if the Category is new, the system will prompt you to create a new Category.

A screenshot of a menu  Description automatically generated

When generated, the Contract will have the following appearance when 'Subtotal By Catering Categories' is selected in Catering Settings. Click here for more information on Catering Contract - Subtotal By.