Spread of Hours Rules add an additional hour of pay at a configured minimum wage for Employees whose start time and end time for a business day exceed a specified hour threshold.
For Locations applied to a Spread of Hours Rule, Users will receive ‘Spread of Hours’ warnings when creating or publishing shifts, and projected Spread of Hours earnings will be included in Scheduled Labor reporting.
Any Spread of Hours earnings will be included in Actual Labor $ and Actual Labor % amounts for Labor Trends, OT Performance, and the Actual vs Scheduled Report. Spread of Hours earnings can be viewed on the Daily Sales Summary when reviewing Labor.
Rule Group List
Search - Enter two or more characters to search the 'Group', 'Applied Locations', and 'Edit By' columns for the entered text
Table Views - This enables the User to create and edit saved views of this list. Click this icon, then either 'Save Current View' to save the new view or 'Edit Table Views' to edit the selected view. All saved views are listed above these two action buttons
Filter - Click to filter any of the available columns
To add a new filter - Click '+Add Filter' to add a new filter and enter the filter parameters.
To remove a filter - Click the trashcan icon associated with the filter, or click 'Clear All' to clear all filters.
To apply filters - Click 'Apply' to apply the filters to the Rule Group List.
Columns - This lists all of the columns available to display. Check or uncheck a column name to include or exclude it from the list. Columns can also be reorganized by dragging and dropping the desired column's rearrange icon
Group - Name of the Rule Group
Applied Locations - Locations applied to the Rule Group. If more than one Location is applied, click to open a drop-down list of these Locations.
Edited Date - Last date Rule Group was edited
Edited By - User who last edited the Rule Group
Export - This will download the listed information into a .csv file
Refresh - This will refresh the listing
Rule Group - Click to open the Rule Group sidesheet
Rule Group Header
Action Buttons - The header contains the following action buttons:
- Click to save and apply changes to an existing Rule Group
- Click to delete the Rule Group
Fullscreen Button - This will expand the sidesheet to fullscreen. When in fullscreen, this icon will be replaced by a minimize icon; click to return to the original size.
Close - This will close out the sidesheet without saving
Name - Name for the Rule Group
Rule Group Settings
Maximum Spread of Hours in day - The maximum hours between the Employee's first punch and last punch for the business day. If an Employee's first punch and last punch for the business day are further apart than this amount, a one hour penalty at the configured minimum wage will be applied as a Spread of Hours earning for the Employee.
Minimum Wage - Minimum wage rate used for Spread of Hours penalties.
Applying Locations
To add a Location to a Rule Group, it will need to be selected from the 'Search Locations' list and added to the 'Applied Locations' list.
Locations can only be applied to one Rule Group. Locations that have already been applied to another Rule Group will not be listed in either the 'Search Locations' or 'Applied Locations' lists. To change a Location's Rule Group, it must first be removed from its current Rule Group.
Adding Locations
Locations can be added to the 'Applied Locations' list in the following ways:
Drag and Drop
Add All - Click the '+ Add All' button to add all available Locations
Select and Add - Select all desired Locations, then click the '+ Add Selected' button
Individually Add - Add individual Locations by clicking the plus sign next to the desired Location
Remove Locations
Locations can be removed from the 'Applied Locations' list in the following ways:
Drag and Drop
Remove All - Click the '- Remove All' button to remove all Locations from the 'Applied Locations' list
Select and Remove- Select all desired Locations, then click the '- Remove Selected' button
Individually Remove - Remove individual Locations by clicking the 'X' icon next to the desired Location
Creating New Spread of Hours Rule Groups
To create a new Spread of Hours Rule Group, select 'Spread of Hours Rule' from the '+ Create' button on the Labor Rules page.
This will open a blank Rule Group sidesheet:
The following fields must be completed before the Rule Group can be created:
Maximum Spread of Hours in a day
Minimum Wage
At least one Location applied
When the desired configurations are complete, click to create the Rule Group.
If the 'Create Another' checkbox is checked, a new blank Rule Group sidesheet will open after creating the current Rule Group.